Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't confuse it with white supremicy

I am an English-Norwegian-Scotch-Irish-German-American! GO FIGHTING WHITES!

This is not white supremacy; I want to make that clear. I do not in any way feel any race is superior to another. So if you are inclined to label me a bigot or a racist, you are missing the point. The fighting white is my mascot; it is who I am and where I come from. In our politically correct environment we as whites have been blamed for the crimes of our fathers, not all of our fore-fathers owned slaves, I’ve done my genealogy (or my mom has) and I can tell you no relative of mine (that I am aware of) ever owned slaves. In the midst of black history month, I find myself once again feeling guilty about what happened to those who were enslaved or mistreated. But why should I feel guilty, am I to blame? Of course not, but I can tell you this, there are those who see the color of my skin and automatically label me a racist, and it is assumed that I have privilege that exceeds theirs. Let me tell you about my privilege and the privilege of those I am grew up with. No one I know has ever gotten something they didn’t deserve, everyone I know that has gone to school and got an education has student loan debt (except for TJ Budge and my neice and nephew they got scholarships). There was no united college fund to help us or grants to hand out. No organization organized to help me specifically. There wasn’t a secret white password or hand shake that got us free stuff. It was by the sweat of our brows that we were able to get where we are now. Some of us have done better than others; I have friends that are doctors, lawyers, insurance salesman and janitors. And everyone is where they are at because they made the choices that got them there. No white person I know had an advantage because of his skin color. In our world today, in our affirmative action, politically correct world where I have the wrong skin color, I am the deprived and the disadvantaged, there is no organization operating with any significant respect that looks to protect my rights and opportunities as a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN (SWM).
Let’s say for example that I wanted to start an organization that focuses on issues among my demographic, how do you think that would have been received. At Idaho State University there were all kinds of student groups organized to support different types of people. I remember a particularly active group that was gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender orientated. This group was formed by students that went to the school and they had sponsored serveral activities. I attended one of their activities that brought awareness to the issues these individuals face. As I listened to their views I wondered if I could start a group based on my life style choices, and name it the straight white men’s club. I wonder, would I have gotten funding for the group from the school? I am going to make a guess and say no, and if I would have tried it would have been so controversial that I would have made the front page of the Idaho State Journal. Why is it so controversial you ask? As a SWM I am stereotyped, it is already assumed that if I were to organize in such a manner it would be for the purpose gainning supremacy. So here is the real question, how are we as a society going to achieve complete tolerance? It won’t be through affirmative action, or political correctness those ideals breed segragation. It will happen when people stop seeing black and white, and start seeing human beings, it will happen when we stop referring to ourselves hyphen-Americans and just be Americans. So as a fighting white, I am fighting for the right to speak my mind about being white, and bring up issues that affect me without being labeled a racist.


Heather said...

You said it Jay! And you said it well. I am so with you on this one. My thoughts exactly!!

Beth said...

A Few Comments:

1) As a SWM (single white mom) I absolutely got something I didn't deserve. I received all kinds of grant $$ to pay for my schooling, books and even some of my living expenses. I just want to publicly thank all of you non-privileged folks for funding my education (or at least a great deal of it) and allowing me to live such a privileged life.

2) By calling your blog 'fighting whites' aren't you doing the very thing you preach against? Quote: "It will happen when people stop seeing black and white, and start seeing human beings, it will happen when we stop referring to ourselves hyphen-Americans and just be Americans."

3) Because I love you I want to remind you that very often potential and existing employers will browse employee facebook/myspace/blogs/etc. While I respect your right to speak your mind - you should think carefully about how you broadcast your opinions.

4) I don't necessarily disagree with your main point - but I do disagree with your approach. I was offended by the closing prayer of the inaguaration when Joseph Lowery prayed for the day when 'white men will embrace what is right' - but by starting a blog about fighting whites, I guess I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between his approach and yours.

5) You're probably correct in saying that no white person YOU KNOW ever had an advantage because of his/her skin color. But that doesn't mean it didn't and doesn't happen. And it's also not just skin color. As a women in the professional world I've experienced first hand, very personally, discrimation against women in favor of men. I don't know what the answer is to the problem - but I firmly believe that pretending it doesn't exist is not the answer.

I'd have to say I agree with what you said about people needing to stop seeing black and white (and gender!) and just see Americans. The rest we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Ha! And you thought it would be Becky you'd irritate ;-) Stepping down off of my soap box now...

Love you - your favorite sister,

Janet said...

Beth- we nice comments.

Laurie Mitton said...

Jay, my husband and I couldn't agree with you more. As you know we live in Las Vegas, we have only known one person who was able obtain help from our government. They a hard working family and they both parents work outside the home. They obtained help for only a short time,and have worked hard there entire life. My husband works in housing sector for the fed government, so he see's what type of people get assistance. For the most part, yes there are a select few who this does not APPLY TO. Many of his tenants either have Section 8, reduce housing, utilities paid in full. They will not work or they will work under the table. In fear of being able to provide for themselves, they will drive nicer cars, buy nicer clothes etc. Whereas myself and my husband both work outside the home we both make good money and we have our own home that will be ours like in a few years. We worked hard for what we have and will continue to, we will be able to put our children through college and on missions without help form any one. You are very right when people need to quit seeing each other for the color of their skin, and who they are. But for that to happen, we need to quit justifying things like: black history month, I'm the only one in my family to go to college, the poster child of this is african american . What about the first causciasn child to go to college? When do we quit making excuses for the rest of society and let everyone have an equal share at obtaining things in life. No matter what color our skin is. Some people may read this and think that I'm a racist but that is far from the truth, I do however I'm tired of being the minority.