Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fathers Under Attack

One father is worth more than a thousand schoolmasters
~George Hurbert

Fathers, the back bone of our civilization. From the dawn of time they have been the leaders, the protectors and the providers. Dr. Laura Schlesinger said that "Society today has almost removed the importance of the father’s role in the family. The women's liberalist movement that started in the 1960's was the first attack on the traditional family, principles of the movement held true that women were equal in intelligence and ability to men, but they were misguided in encouraging women to abandon their families and look down on the role a father plays in the home.

In our day the role of fathers are skewed and undefined. On television there are few, if any solid examples of a father or husband. A man who is honest, courageous, and mentally strong to bear the burdens of his family. A man who respects women and their role, treats his children with love and fairness, works hard and provides for his family. Instills the importants of education, sacrifice, and self reliance. It is interesting to note that some of the poorest examples of the fathers in pop culture are generally white, middle aged, perverted, un-kept, flabby bumbling oafs who have little honor, or self respect. Who is standing up for the good men of our society, who is cursing the horrid examples displayed in the media? Who is crying foul that White men are being stereotyped as beer drinking racist bums who fail their families? I guess I am, while I have small voice hopefully it will carry this message. Real men love their families, care for them, provide for them. They put the interests of their families first, teach their children correct principles, and love their wives with complete fidelity. Real men are men of integrity and prudence. Real men are crucial to society and we need to teach our sons and daughters what a real man is. So our sons can become them, and our daughters will choose them.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From the Daily Column

I found this article from a blog called The Daily Column, I would have simply posted the link, but I didn't really think the other content was appropriate to display on my blog, (it wasn't horrible but I wouldn't let my kids read some of the stuff) but I really like what he said,

"Something is bothering me ...and you know what that means ?!?@!The other day a "Blue Ribbon" panel met in New Jersey. Blue Ribbon! I know what you're saying, Blue Ribbon? That must be good. Well not in this case.A blue ribbon panel met in New Jersey the other day and they suggested that New Jersey give illegal immigrants in-state tuition. They also suggested New Jersey give illegals drivers licenses. Governor John Corzine disagreed with the drivers licenses but he did think that New Jersey should give illegals in-state tuition.Let me explain to you what in-state tuition is. If you're a kid and you live in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey you pay less than lets say a kid from Nebraska who wants to go to college in New Jersey. If you're a kid and you lives in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey you pay about $100 a credit. But, if you're a kid who lives in Nebraska and you want to go to college in New Jersey you will pay about $500 a credit.So what New Jersey wants to do is, if you're an illegal immigrant, someone who's not even supposed to be in this country and you live in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey it will cost you $100 a credit. But if you're a kid who lives in Nebraska. A kid who was born in this country. A kid whose parents pay taxes in this country. A kid whose parents have supported this country their whole freaking lives and YOU want to go to college in New Jersey. It will cost you $500 a credit.Are you kidding me?! We should take the blue ribbon and rap it around that panels neck. It's amazing, everybody is trying to become a citizen in this country. Everybody wants to be a citizen in this country. I wanna know where I fill out the freaking paperwork to become an illegal immigrant in this country. Because they're the ones who are getting all the benefits in this country. You wanna give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants? HELLO! HELLO!! They're not even supposed to be freaking in-state!Please wake up and take care of our people first before people that aren't even supposed to be here at all !!!!!!! "

I can't believe this! What has happened to the people in this country!

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's So Democratic

Obama is really holding up to his end of the deal isn't he. With his 10 dollar a week tax credit, it sounds like the average working man is really going to get a lift. I remember back when the campaign was really heating up, there was a big controversy over who's tax plan was going to be better for the average American. Obama put out a plan that on paper was better than McCain's. Now don't get me wrong, I am no fan of McCain, I don't know if he would have done any better than Obama when it comes to the economy, but here is where the bear does his thing in the woods. Aren't democrats supposed to be redistributing wealth? I thought Obama was going to tax the rich and the corporations and give that money to the poor. Obama and the democraps have gone and given our grandchildren's future taxes to those evil corporations that he has gone at great lengths to vilanize. So let me get this straight, the new democratic regime means to, give big money to big business, and a little smidgen to the lower class! WAKE UP PEOPLE! This man has been lying to all of you from day one and it continues to get worse!

So as a pro business Republican I should be pumped right? I should be hailing Obama for holding up the evil corporations and giving a few crusts of bread to the lower class. But I'm not because republicans aren't pro business, we are pro fiscal responsibility and we are pro freedom and we are pro small government. Ronald Reagan said that the scariest phrase in the english language was, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". When are people going to wake up and recognize that their freedoms are on the line here. The more the federal government extends themselves into our lives the more reason we have to fear them. We haven't faced the worst of it yet, the poop is going to hit the fan. So get out your bibles and your guns, your gonna need them. So to those of you who sold this country for 10 dollars a week, I hope some how you pull your heads out, get a job and go to work to help the rest of us get out of this mess.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

This why I love my Family

I have an awesome family, 1 brother and 5 sisters. It's has been really interesting on how we all turned out. We are similar in that I think we all have my Moms nose and our Dads ears, but how we all think and feel can be quite different. So there is lots of diversity of thought and opinion. This dynamichas made for some great discussions in our family. First I am impressed with all of my siblings each of them has their own ue abilities that make them strong in their own right. I would like to show case my sister Beth, she has been a great example to me in that she has overcome a lot, she taught me through example that no matter what, there is no reason to ever give up. Now I am not surprised that she was a tad irrigated with my last oped, I was riveted by her response she even numbered her points (any time some one numbers something it means a lot to them). Here they are incase you are to lazy to click on the comments section:

A Few Comments:
1) As a SWM (single white mom) I absolutely got something I didn't deserve. I received all kinds of grant $$ to pay for my schooling, books and even some of my living expenses. I just want to publicly thank all of you non-privileged folks for funding my education (or at least a great deal of it) and allowing me to live such a privileged life.
2) By calling your blog 'fighting whites' aren't you doing the very thing you preach against? Quote: "It will happen when people stop seeing black and white, and start seeing human beings, it will happen when we stop referring to ourselves hyphen-Americans and just be Americans."3) Because I love you I want to remind you that very often potential and existing employers will browse employee facebook/myspace/blogs/etc. While I respect your right to speak your mind - you should think carefully about how you broadcast your opinions.
4) I don't necessarily disagree with your main point - but I do disagree with your approach. I was offended by the closing prayer of the inauguration when Joseph Lowery prayed for the day when 'white men will embrace what is right' - but by starting a blog about fighting whites, I guess I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between his approach and yours.
5) You're probably correct in saying that no white person YOU KNOW ever had an advantage because of his/her skin color. But that doesn't mean it didn't and doesn't happen. And it's also not just skin color. As a women in the professional world I've experienced first hand, very personally, discrimination against women in favor of men. I don't know what the answer is to the problem - but I firmly believe that pretending it doesn't exist is not the answer.I'd have to say I agree with what you said about people needing to stop seeing black and white (and gender!) and just see Americans. The rest we'll just have to agree to disagree.Ha! And you thought it would be Becky you'd irritate ;-) Stepping down off of my soap box now...

Love you - your favorite sister,Beth

Let me say this, one demographic that needs and deserves grant money, and as much as possible are single mothers, infact, we should increase that part of our system, because I've seen first hand the difference it can make. They are deserving becuase the men in their lives have failed them or were taken in an ufourtunate way. As a man it is your duty to take care of the mother of your child.

You are right Beth, my aproach is harsh, I guess I just want to shed light on that fact that there isn't anyone out there fighting for my rights as SWM? So what's a boy to do? And I am right, the idea of a white man fighting to have a voice is explosive, but why can't I have a voice?

I will always entertain feedback that is rational and inteligent, even if the party doesn't agree with my point of view. This is tollerance, something I am required by society to practice as a SWM but others are excused becuase of their protected status.

Friday, February 20, 2009

5 Movies Every American should see

Movies, a truly American institution, and I love them, I dont' know what it is but I love to watch good movies. And I love it even more when the movie means something, when there is something taught, when you come away from the expirience a changed person for the better becuase you watched it. So in that spirit I present to you the movies that every american should see at least once in their life. Some of these have some pretty graphic violence, so you should be mature enough to handle it or catch the edited version on TBS.

1. Braveheart "Every man dies, not every man really lives"

The story of Sir William Wallace a scottish rebel who united the clans of Scotland to throw off the tyranny of the current King of England Edward the Long Shanks. In his fight to free Scotland Wallace gives his all in the pursuit of freedom and understands that in order to have it, there must be a great sacrifice.

2. Saving Private Ryan "Earn this Ryan....Earn it"

This movie made by Steven Spielberg and staring Tom Hanks (my favorite actor) depicting the storming of the beaches of Normandy during the pivitol battle of World War 2. The opening scene showing the intial invasion was so realistic that veterans of the conflict who went to see the movie had flash backs. The movies reveals to the viewer the horrors of that terrible war and what great sacrifices the men and women or our nations armedforces had to pass through in order to preserve our freedom. After watching this movie you will never be able to look at a solider in the same way again, you will see them for what they are, angels gaurding us. In my book the men and women who by their own free will have chosen to defend our country will have a place in heaven. This movie has the most powerful ending I have ever seen, I dare you not to cry.

3. Glory "If this man falls who will carry the flag"

During the Civil War the Union Army didn't allow African Americans to become soldiers untill late in the war. The first African American regiment was the 54th Massachusettes Infantry, led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (portrayed by Mathew Broderick). While the movie has some historical inacuraticies, the film portrays one of the first major steps that our country took towards equality for all men. The final battle portrayed in the film produced our countries first African American Medal of Honor winner, here is some interesting facts from wikipedia.

"The incident just before the charge into Fort Wagner in which Colonel Shaw points to the flag bearer and asks "If this man should fall, who will lift the flag and carry on?" is based on a real event. However, the person who asked the question was General George Crockett Strong; Shaw was the person who responded. When the flag bearer fell and after Shaw was killed, another black soldier, Sergeant William Harvey Carney, grabbed the flag and carried it all the way to the bulwarks of Fort Wagner. He remained there under enemy fire until the 54th was forced to retreat. Sergeant Carney struggled back to Union lines with the flag, receiving four wounds from which he recovered. Carney became the first black recipient of the Medal of Honor."

4. Schindlers List "Whoever saves one life.... saves the entire world"

Another WW2 film by Spielberg, but this time it focuses on the story of Oskar Schindler, a war profiteer that went to Poland to begin manufacturing mess kits for the German Army. A member of the Nazi Party and a womanizer he saves the lives of over 1000 jews from the slums of Krakow. He uses his entire fortune to bribe Nazi officials and provide saftey for the Jews he saved.
5. The Prusuit of Happiness

"You got a dream, you gotta protect it... you want something you gotta go get it, period!"

With out critical acclaim or any any awards to show for it, The Pursuit of Happiness is a story of a down and out entrepenuer who looses his home and his wife after they invest their life savings in a failed business venture. Chris Gardner finds himself homless with out a job and in fight to keep and care for his young son. Chris finds himself with a difficult choice, accept an internship with one of the most respected Investment Banks in the world that has no salary to start, and continue to live out of shelters, or find a paying job and continue down the same path of medicority. Chris shows us that the American Dream is not givin to anyone, it is ours for the taking if we are willing to make the sacrifices for it. Will Smith (who received a nomination for Best Actor but didn't win)plays the lead role with his real life son Jaden, the movie proves that anyone can make it if they choose to. This was is a true story, Chris Gardner went on to start his own investment firm and made a large fortune after he sold it to Dean Witter, the firm he started with.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't confuse it with white supremicy

I am an English-Norwegian-Scotch-Irish-German-American! GO FIGHTING WHITES!

This is not white supremacy; I want to make that clear. I do not in any way feel any race is superior to another. So if you are inclined to label me a bigot or a racist, you are missing the point. The fighting white is my mascot; it is who I am and where I come from. In our politically correct environment we as whites have been blamed for the crimes of our fathers, not all of our fore-fathers owned slaves, I’ve done my genealogy (or my mom has) and I can tell you no relative of mine (that I am aware of) ever owned slaves. In the midst of black history month, I find myself once again feeling guilty about what happened to those who were enslaved or mistreated. But why should I feel guilty, am I to blame? Of course not, but I can tell you this, there are those who see the color of my skin and automatically label me a racist, and it is assumed that I have privilege that exceeds theirs. Let me tell you about my privilege and the privilege of those I am grew up with. No one I know has ever gotten something they didn’t deserve, everyone I know that has gone to school and got an education has student loan debt (except for TJ Budge and my neice and nephew they got scholarships). There was no united college fund to help us or grants to hand out. No organization organized to help me specifically. There wasn’t a secret white password or hand shake that got us free stuff. It was by the sweat of our brows that we were able to get where we are now. Some of us have done better than others; I have friends that are doctors, lawyers, insurance salesman and janitors. And everyone is where they are at because they made the choices that got them there. No white person I know had an advantage because of his skin color. In our world today, in our affirmative action, politically correct world where I have the wrong skin color, I am the deprived and the disadvantaged, there is no organization operating with any significant respect that looks to protect my rights and opportunities as a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN (SWM).
Let’s say for example that I wanted to start an organization that focuses on issues among my demographic, how do you think that would have been received. At Idaho State University there were all kinds of student groups organized to support different types of people. I remember a particularly active group that was gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender orientated. This group was formed by students that went to the school and they had sponsored serveral activities. I attended one of their activities that brought awareness to the issues these individuals face. As I listened to their views I wondered if I could start a group based on my life style choices, and name it the straight white men’s club. I wonder, would I have gotten funding for the group from the school? I am going to make a guess and say no, and if I would have tried it would have been so controversial that I would have made the front page of the Idaho State Journal. Why is it so controversial you ask? As a SWM I am stereotyped, it is already assumed that if I were to organize in such a manner it would be for the purpose gainning supremacy. So here is the real question, how are we as a society going to achieve complete tolerance? It won’t be through affirmative action, or political correctness those ideals breed segragation. It will happen when people stop seeing black and white, and start seeing human beings, it will happen when we stop referring to ourselves hyphen-Americans and just be Americans. So as a fighting white, I am fighting for the right to speak my mind about being white, and bring up issues that affect me without being labeled a racist.

Welcome to Militant Conservatism

I am a self described militant conservative, what does that mean? Hopefully this sheds some light on it, I believe every man is responsible for himself, I believe this country was set up that way for a reason, There may be those that struggle, I'll be the first to extend my hand in charity, I believe that freedom is essential to man's prosperity on this continent. When our freedoms are taken away we have the right to fight back in word and action. I believe that suffering is necessary in our world, some of you wish to eliminate it, suffering was introduced by God himself, don't you think there is a reason for it? When we struggle we are tested like a piece of metal being forged. When we overcome we are stronger for the experience. Some do not overcome some succumb to despair and are taken from us, sometimes in brutal ways. This will never stop no matter how many laws we pass, my heart aches for their pain, but I know this they will find rest, this life is short for a reason, there are much greater things in eternity to be had. I do not morn the fallen warriors as though there were wronged, I celebrate those that have bravely fought for freedom, the savior said, "Greater love hath no man this, than a man layeth down his life for his friends." Not all give their life freely some are taken, but it is Gods will each time, who are we to question it. So I am fierce in my beliefs, I don't hold back, I don't play nice with others in opposition, I'll never be elected to anything because I refuse to compromise. I post articles because I want people to know how I feel, Its the only voice I have right now. I am militant because I am angry, angry that our society has so quickly forgoten the principles that our country was founded upon. I believe any one can make it, no matter their background or race. So if there was no suffering their could be no eternity. It was through suffering that we were ransomed, it was through pain that we are able to have peace.