Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From the Daily Column

I found this article from a blog called The Daily Column, I would have simply posted the link, but I didn't really think the other content was appropriate to display on my blog, (it wasn't horrible but I wouldn't let my kids read some of the stuff) but I really like what he said,

"Something is bothering me ...and you know what that means ?!?@!The other day a "Blue Ribbon" panel met in New Jersey. Blue Ribbon! I know what you're saying, Blue Ribbon? That must be good. Well not in this case.A blue ribbon panel met in New Jersey the other day and they suggested that New Jersey give illegal immigrants in-state tuition. They also suggested New Jersey give illegals drivers licenses. Governor John Corzine disagreed with the drivers licenses but he did think that New Jersey should give illegals in-state tuition.Let me explain to you what in-state tuition is. If you're a kid and you live in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey you pay less than lets say a kid from Nebraska who wants to go to college in New Jersey. If you're a kid and you lives in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey you pay about $100 a credit. But, if you're a kid who lives in Nebraska and you want to go to college in New Jersey you will pay about $500 a credit.So what New Jersey wants to do is, if you're an illegal immigrant, someone who's not even supposed to be in this country and you live in New Jersey and you want to go to college in New Jersey it will cost you $100 a credit. But if you're a kid who lives in Nebraska. A kid who was born in this country. A kid whose parents pay taxes in this country. A kid whose parents have supported this country their whole freaking lives and YOU want to go to college in New Jersey. It will cost you $500 a credit.Are you kidding me?! We should take the blue ribbon and rap it around that panels neck. It's amazing, everybody is trying to become a citizen in this country. Everybody wants to be a citizen in this country. I wanna know where I fill out the freaking paperwork to become an illegal immigrant in this country. Because they're the ones who are getting all the benefits in this country. You wanna give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants? HELLO! HELLO!! They're not even supposed to be freaking in-state!Please wake up and take care of our people first before people that aren't even supposed to be here at all !!!!!!! "

I can't believe this! What has happened to the people in this country!


Heather said...

Jay! You said the F-word! :/
I totally agree with your point though.

Heather said...

OK OK, I just realized you quoted the F-word, but still, shocked me a little. :)

Jaykean said...

Holly Crap! I just realized deleted Imediately! you see why I didn't post a direct link,

Heather said...

Too funny! :)