Friday, April 3, 2009

It's So Democratic

Obama is really holding up to his end of the deal isn't he. With his 10 dollar a week tax credit, it sounds like the average working man is really going to get a lift. I remember back when the campaign was really heating up, there was a big controversy over who's tax plan was going to be better for the average American. Obama put out a plan that on paper was better than McCain's. Now don't get me wrong, I am no fan of McCain, I don't know if he would have done any better than Obama when it comes to the economy, but here is where the bear does his thing in the woods. Aren't democrats supposed to be redistributing wealth? I thought Obama was going to tax the rich and the corporations and give that money to the poor. Obama and the democraps have gone and given our grandchildren's future taxes to those evil corporations that he has gone at great lengths to vilanize. So let me get this straight, the new democratic regime means to, give big money to big business, and a little smidgen to the lower class! WAKE UP PEOPLE! This man has been lying to all of you from day one and it continues to get worse!

So as a pro business Republican I should be pumped right? I should be hailing Obama for holding up the evil corporations and giving a few crusts of bread to the lower class. But I'm not because republicans aren't pro business, we are pro fiscal responsibility and we are pro freedom and we are pro small government. Ronald Reagan said that the scariest phrase in the english language was, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". When are people going to wake up and recognize that their freedoms are on the line here. The more the federal government extends themselves into our lives the more reason we have to fear them. We haven't faced the worst of it yet, the poop is going to hit the fan. So get out your bibles and your guns, your gonna need them. So to those of you who sold this country for 10 dollars a week, I hope some how you pull your heads out, get a job and go to work to help the rest of us get out of this mess.

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